Monday, June 27, 2011

Children are a treasure

Children have got to be one of lifes greatest joys.  I as a mother love and live and breath for my children.  I cannot get enough of them.  I wake up in the morning with a purpose, to nurture, care, mold and lead 8 young lives.  That is 16 eyes and ears watching and listening to my every move and word.  That in itself keeps me from saying and doing a lot of things, and that certainly does not mean that I am perfect.  I am far far far from that.  But knowing this keeps me accountable for my words and actions, when I do mess up which is often I have to be sure that my children see me make amends biblically.  When I do not do this in front of them I pray God will give them the knowledge to know right from wrong.  I am responsible to raise them and teach them the best I can and then the rest is up to God.  I have to trust that God is the best protector and teacher for them and all I can do is be an example and gently lead them in the right path.  I pray with every part of my humanity that I can be the best example and that I do not lead my children astray from God.  May all my actions and words follow the Bibles teaching and may God shine Himself through me.  Children are the greatest treasure in the world.  God help me to be the mother and teacher you desire me to be, let me put aside all earthly wisdom and follow your teaching.  Thank you for the blessings you have given to me and for the health and life you have given to our family.  I love you Lord.  Amen

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Where is your focus?

Ok so tomorrow is Sunday,  we will go to church listen to a lesson in sunday school maybe even participate a little, go to worship service then we will listen to the pastors message.  We will spend approximately 2 hours in the morning.  Now my question is are you going to be completely and utterly focused on God, or are we going to be thinking how cute the baby is in the row in front of us (We will try to sit in the very back as not to distract you)  (Just kidding although my children are pretty adorable)  or thinking wow she or he really looks nice this morning, or maybe man I wish my hair would have done what I wanted it to do or I really should not have worn this outfit, or man I am sweating I wish I had extra deoderant, or maybe man I really wish I could lose weight.  Most of these things apply to myself so dont think I am talking about any one in particular because I am not, (mostly just me).  Then when we leave church and are on our way home or where ever you may be headed do we reflect on the message that we just heard or do we start to focus on our own pathetic little lives and problems.  In my case I forget all about church and begin to think and plan and maybe even dread the coming week.  So here is my challenge, again mostly to myself,  but if you are up for it and the above may apply to you, then you too.  Lets try to keep our focus where it belongs, not just on Sunday but ALL week.  Every time we begin to think of me, I, my, anything that pertains to self,  at that point let us out loud proclaim the word of the most high, God.  Let us inform satan that he has no power here because we are owned by the great king, ruler, and creator.  Tell satan to flee,  he wants us to stay destracted with the song "I wanna talk about me".  Let us return our focus to the one it rightfully belongs to.  Let us ask the question..."Is this thought or action pleasing God".  God's speed with you and I will be praying for all who want to join me in this challenge.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Do we miss God?

Being a mom is such a great feeling ALL the time but tonight I was certainly reminded how lucky I really am. Doing dishes with Caleb telling him how proud I was of him for helping out without being asked, Anna comes up to me she is my 10 yr old, giving me a hug she says "I am going to miss you mom." I asked why where are you going and her reply was "I am going to bed mom and I wont be able to see you the rest of the night until tomorrow morning, boy I sure do love you!" Just melted my heart. Evening time around here is very peaceful and I have come to really enjoy the quietness of the night and being able to reflect on Gods word. But tonight I began to reflect on the words of my 10 yr old daughter. When I am through with my devotions and prayer time tonight will I miss God my heavenly father because I am going to bed and will not be in His word until tomorrow? Will I miss talking to Him do I feel the need to just spend "just a few more minutes" with Him because I just want to spend every moment with Him? Sadly enough I will finish my devotions say a quick prayer asking God to bless me and my family and to heal any sick and to forgive me for any sins I have commited , but then will quickly curl up in bed with out another thought to it. How often do we thank Him without asking or do we only pray when we want or need something. Just a thought. I want to be so in love with God that I cant stand to be apart from Him I want to go to bed missing Him. God thank you for this day and thank you for your protection, love and mercy on us thank you for always supplying every need I have and giving me strenght when I need it. I love you Lord. AMEN

It is sooo hard to believe that my baby is 5 months old today. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital and making daily runs for a week testing her billirubin. It is amazing how in love I am with this little ball of squish. She is my joy. I love her dimply smile and her loud squeals of delight. It is a joy to care, protect and nurture this little girl.

Well it has begun my own blog. Eeekkk I am so excited to finally join in the blog life. I think it will be good for me to write down important things that happen in our little family as a way to have it for memories to look back on. I am now a mother of 8. My oldest son Andrew is 14, Anna is 10 soon to be 11, Caleb is 9, Emily is 7 soon to be 8 in just 1 1/2 weeks, Leah 5 soon to be 6, John 3 soon to be 4, Sarah just turned 2 in March, and then we have our newest addition Olivia who is 5 months old today.