Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Six months ago my little angel was given to me from God!!  She was so sweet and innocent depending on me for although she is still as sweet as can be and still depends on me for alot, she is becoming more and more able to do little things..."big things" for her.  Olivia is now able to sit unsupported, and rolls over both from stomach to back and back to stomach,  she is eating just about everything that the rest of the family does and love it!!  She is in the process of becoming a proud new owner of her very first tooth (top right front tooth to be exact).  She says mamma and squeals and laughs and loves to be masaged!  Energy is not something that she lacks in,  she is now trying to phase out nap number 2, not too sure how I feel about that.  Some of the places that she has gotten to go to for the first time is in July she has gone to the beach, which she loved.  She was a little apprehensive at first the sand was a definite attention attractor!! She loved standing in the water (being held of course)  she would pick one foot up and look at it with amazement.  She also went to grandma and grandpas house for the first time in July.  She was not too sure of it at first, but warmed up to their home very quickly.  She is really into watching John Mark play cars and every once in a while will get ahold of one and gum it to death =).  She is exploring everthing and anything and just plain loving life right now!!  I and her brothers and sisters and grandma and grandpa love her to pieces.  She is my little doodle bug and no matter how big she gets or how independant she becomes she will always be just that.  My little baby Olivia.